zhongshan hospital: the zhongshan hospital latest news & updates, photos -即嗨体育app下载

 zhongshan hospital: the zhongshan hospital latest news & updates, photos -即嗨体育app下载 
◦ zhongshan hospital

raising awareness of early detection of liver cancer

under the program a total of 50 000 people with a high risk of live cancer in the nation will receive screening at medical facilities health check up facilities and neighborhood health centers said dr fan jia president of shanghais zhongshan hospital...

medical experts share knowledge with students on tv

dr zhong ming from zhongshan hospital the first doctor in shanghai to support wuhan when the covid 19 broke out in 2020 also shared his comment in facing death while serving in the...

shanghai acts to improve international medical service

zhongshan hospital one of the top public hospitals said talent innovation service and hospital culture drive its high quality development while international medical tourism trials...

local researchers confirm effects of tcm in coronary disease patients

doctors from shanghais zhongshan hospital and huashan hospital led research that covered 2 673 patients in 97 hospitals.

health education made fun in children's training programs

we will establish childrens health education stations in multiple districts and schools to offer education for minors and their families on mental and physical health give guidance on proper and scientific sports and healthy life style said dr chen haiyan from zhongshan hospital...

ai, metaverse pumps new life into cardiovascular health

pan vascular disease involves the whole body and requires a more efficient and precise platform connecting doctors and patients for effective management and intervention dr ge junbo from zhongshan hospital...

combined research on cancer patients' associated heart problems

local western medicine doctors are teaming up with traditional chinese medicine experts to launch joint research and enhance cooperation on heart damage during immunotherapy for cancer...

new medical colleges drive educational reform

fudan university unveils zhongshan hospital clinical medical college and huashan hospital clinical medical college.

hard working nurses celebrate their special day

yu jingxian from zhongshan hospital has made innovations for robot assisted surgery and high end surgeries.

shanghai doctors share red cross spirits from morocco mission

dr jiang yunqi an orthopedics physician at zhongshan hospital and leader of the 196th batch of chinese medical team to moroccos settat division showed a special snapshot taken in...