canon: the canon latest news & updates, photos -即嗨体育app下载

 canon: the canon latest news & updates, photos -即嗨体育app下载 
◦ canon
art & culture

acupuncture is a jab well done in treating ailments, protecting health

acupuncture was first officially documented in the yellow emperor s inner canon the earliest text on the theories and practices of traditional chinese medicine.
art & culture

walk 100 steps after you finish a meal and you may live to be a centenarian

though people always say that life lies in movement the canon cautions that excessive exercise can result in harm.
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the gateway to taste: don't hold your tongue, examine it

compiled more than 2 300 years ago the yellow emperor s inner canon the earliest book about the theory and principles of traditional chinese medicine states that the tongue reflects...
art & culture

judging a book by its cover: your face is the window to your health

for example the yellow emperor s inner canon the oldest text of traditional chinese medicine compiled more than 2 300 years ago has numerous references to facial diagnostic signs...

tianxia is embedded in china's cultural genes

one passage of the ancient chinese classic book of documents the canon of yao describes an ideal type of governance when all ethnic groups live in harmony the rights and wrongs...
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ancient advice on the best way to treat disease? nip it in the bud

his definition about the best physician is echoed by the concept zhi wei bing or literally treating a disease before it arises in the yellow emperor s inner canon the earliest...
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you are what you eat: traditional chinese medicine outlines a healthy diet

the yellow emperor s inner canon the earliest text of traditional chinese medicine written more than 2 300 years ago prescribes shi yin you jie or eating and drinking...
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want to be healthier and dispel harmful emotions? laugh more!

the yellow emperor s inner canon the first text expounding the basic concepts and theories of traditional chinese medicine puts significant emphasis on emotional health.
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maintaining good health is clockwork in traditional chinese medicine

the yellow emperor s inner canon the earliest text of traditional chinese medicine says in chapter 25 of its first volume that man comes to life through qi vital life energy of...
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'unity of heaven and man' a cornerstone of traditional chinese medicine

this concept is also found in the yellow emperor s inner canon the earliest text of the traditional chinese medicine.