families invited to make rice balls for qingming festival -即嗨体育app下载 

families invited to make rice balls for qingming festival -即嗨体育app下载

ke jiayun
meins international kindergarten & preschool will host a family cooking session to make qingtuan, a glutinous rice ball for celebrating the coming qingming festival on saturday.
ke jiayun

meins international kindergarten & preschool will host a family cooking session on saturday to make traditional qingtuan, a glutinous rice ball for celebrating the coming qingming festival.

the session allows children to learn how ancient chinese prepared seasonal food to cope with natural changes brought about by the changing weather.

the event is open for all families with children aged between 2 and 6.

date: march 16, 9:30am-11am

venue: meins international kindergarten & preschool

address: 155 lixi rd, changning district 长宁区利西路155号

admission: 88 yuan for regular guests, 188 yuan for newcomers

families invited to make rice balls for qingming festival

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