expect showers and humidity as 'plum rain' season starts -即嗨体育app下载
shanghai entered "plum rain" season on sunday, with soggy and muggy days ahead.
the arrival of the season is two days later than last year, while it still fell five to seven day earlier than usual years, according to the shanghai meteorological bureau.
the city's plum rain season usually lasts for 23 days, while last year's was about a month.
and the longest was 58 days in 1954, and the shortest for only two days in 1897 and 1965.
the plum rain season is caused by warm air from southeast asia, which results in a rain belt moving around the yangtze rive delta region in june and july. as these months are the ripening period of plums, it is called "plum rain" season.
more wet days are expected in the coming week with showers and lightning, except for a cloudy thursday.
sunday was cool and rainy, with the mercury ranging between 22 to 24 degrees celsius. the cool weather will remain in the city until wednesday when the highs will reach around 30 degrees and lows around 24.
residents are advised to keep their homes clean and well ventilated to prevent mold during the plum rain season.