shanghai daily 2021 living a healthy life eye health survey -即嗨体育app下载 

shanghai daily 2021 living a healthy life eye health survey -即嗨体育app下载

gu xiaoying
shanghai daily 2021 "living a healthy life" eye health survey
gu xiaoying

1. how old is your child? (single choice) 您孩子的年龄?(单选)

  • between 7-12 (7-12岁)
  • between 13-17 (13-17岁)
  • 18 and above (18岁及以上)

2. what’s the gender of your child? (single choice) 您孩子的性别?(单选)

  • male 男
  • female 女

3. has your child ever suffered from the following eye disease or related symptoms? (multiple choices) 您的孩子是否有过以下眼部疾病或相关症状?(多选)

  • eye irritation or allergic sensitization 眼部过敏
  • myopia 近视
  • eye strain 视疲劳
  • frequent or abnormal blinking 儿童眨眼
  • xerophthalmia (dry eye) 干眼症
  • hordeolum or chalazion 麦粒肿、霰粒肿
  • trichiasis (ingrowth or introversion of the eyelashes) 儿童倒睫
  • none of the above 无以上任何症状

4. have you taken any preventive measures against the following eye disease or related symptoms? (multiple choices) 您对上述哪些眼部疾病采取过预防措施,或进行过早期干预?(多选)

  • eye irritation or allergic sensitization 眼部过敏
  • myopia 近视
  • eye strain 视疲劳
  • frequent or abnormal blinking 儿童眨眼
  • xerophthalmia (dry eye) 干眼症
  • hordeolum or chalazion 麦粒肿、霰粒肿
  • trichiasis (ingrowth or introversion of the eyelashes) 儿童倒睫
  • none of the above 无以上任何症状

5. if you have any other questions about eye health of adolescents and children, please fill in the blank below. 若您有其他想了解的关于青少年儿童用眼健康的问题,请在下面留言。

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