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news in brief, movers and shakers, vips in town, biz talk, sites and sounds, context
news in brief, movers and shakers, vips in town, biz talk, sites and sounds, context

opportunities abound abroad for chinese self-driving companies

chinese companies are leading the world in nevs and autonomous driving technology, with nev market share reaching 35.2 percent in the first half of this year.

shanghai issues new measures to further boost venture capital

shanghai releases new measures, including more support from the government guidance fund and a continuous focus on cultivating leading industries, like ic, biomedicine, and ai.

fortune befriends the bold: live-streaming star goes it alone

popular online influencer dong yuhui's decision to strike out on his own exposes an underlying dilemma for online businesses.

shanghai's consumer confidence rebounds in q2

consumer confidence in shanghai in the second quarter of this year picked up steadily even as investors remained relatively cautious about investment.

chinese developers vaunt their intelligence at technology exhibition

artificial intelligence is the holy grail that both china and the us are chasing. china is catching up.

apple vision pro comes to china, highly anticipated and highly priced

potential users get excited the device has gone on sale but their excitement is tempered by the high cost that puts it beyond reach for some and firmly in the luxury tech category.

traditional luxury car brands cut prices as competition heats up

traditional luxury car brands are facing severe competition in china where independent nev brands are achieving unprecedented sales.

more chinese firms keen to expand overseas, survey finds

a growing number of chinese enterprises are showing interest in expanding their business overseas, with southeast asian countries remaining the top choice, a new survey says.

shanghai leads star market listings nationwide

city emerges as the national leader with a total of 91 companies listed by the end of april and their market value reaching a staggering 1.16 trillion yuan (us$161.1 billion)

enhancing people's financial literacy a priority

more attention should be paid to enhancing people's financial literacy, especially for the older age group, a survey has shown.