hangzhou city: latest hangzhou news &headlines, photos & video news -即嗨体育app下载 

hangzhou city: latest hangzhou news &headlines, photos & video news -即嗨体育app下载

the tourist heaven of hangzhou, capital of zhejiang province, lies in the heart of the southern yangtze river region. one of china's eight ancient capitals, it has a rich history and easy lifestyle that complement the vibrant regional economy. shanghai daily is publishing a special hangzhou page every monday through friday to introduce our readers to its beautiful scenery, fascinating happenings and people, colorful nightlife, lifestyles and business.
the tourist heaven of hangzhou, capital of zhejiang province, lies in the heart of the southern yangtze river region. one of china's eight ancient capitals, it has a rich history and easy lifestyle that complement the vibrant regional economy. shanghai daily is publishing a special hangzhou page every monday through friday to introduce our readers to its beautiful scenery, fascinating happenings and people, colorful nightlife, lifestyles and business.

yuan dynasty-inspired fridge magnets attract hundreds to hangzhou museum

a fridge magnet, inspired by the yuan dynasty's ceramic goblet, has become a hit among the residents who have been queuing up at hangzhou museum in the heat.

pine mushrooms in yajiang county to be traded at new center and tracked online

this year, all of the songrong from yajiang county, southwest china's sichuan province, will be traded in a new center and tracked online to ensure their authenticity and safety.


students brew new life into seniors' tea stalls

for around 47 years, tea has been offered to passersby for free at xiaoying subdistrict every summer, and this year young people are volunteering to help the elderly stallholders.
art & culture

caa's exhibition of poem-informed art looks to northwest

the china academy of art annual exhibition, inspired by tang dynasty (ad 618-907) poetry road, this year focused on dunhuang in northwest china's gansu province.

hangzhou protects and nurtures history through preservation of ancient trees

the second hangzhou old and famous trees exhibition is underway through november 30.

prehistoric creatures, centuries-old art and rock carvings on show

if you are looking for something to keep the children occupied during the long summer vacation then the zhejiang museum of natural history could be the perfect place to take them.

archeological park observes liangzhu day, marking unesco site listing

to mark liangzhu day, july 6, the archeological ruins of liangzhu city park is hosting events through july 12 to commemorate its inclusion as a unesco world heritage site in 2019.

hangzhou, delingha pairing assistance moves from one-way aid to two-way union

during 15 years of hangzhou's "pairing assistance" with delingha, qinghai province, civil servants and professionals have gone from hangzhou to delingha to aid local governments.
art & culture

display of unearthed gold, silver treasures from song dynasty

four hundred pieces of gold and silver handicrafts found buried underground in yi county, hebei province, are on display in hangzhou linping museum through august 11.

it's the season to admire lotus, water lilies

hangzhou is commemorating west lake day by hosting a lotus and water lily exhibition in collaboration with guangzhou, suzhou, nanjing, and xishuangbanna.