butterflies find their wings at shanghai zoo -即嗨体育app下载

butterflies linger on flowers at the shanghai zoo

a butterfly and a turtle.
a butterfly exhibition will open to the public on wednesday at the shanghai zoo in changning district, featuring a monthlong series of science promotion events.
about 20 species of butterflies will be on display.
visitors will encounter a variety of beautiful butterflies in brilliant colors, such as the red admiral butterfly, and the laminated common bluebottle butterfly with colored patches.
they can observe the process of metamorphosis in which larva becomes first a pupa and then a butterfly, with many chrysalis of different species on tree trunks.
an outdoor garden of butterflies indigenous to shanghai has been created as part of the exhibition.
other activities such as butterfly releases, lectures and diy activities will also be held to enrich visitor experiences.
the zoo said it would reach out to communities in changning to conduct butterfly-related science promotion activities and raise awareness of nature protection.

a chrysalis that will metamophose into a butterfly.

a butterfly is attracted to fruit.
if you go:
date: 8am-5pm, through october 22
venue: shanghai zoo 上海动物园
address: 2381 hongqiao road, changning district 上海市长宁区虹桥路2381号
admission: 40 yuan