life on hold: lifting the mental lockdown, with bohan zhang -即嗨体育app下载 

life on hold: lifting the mental lockdown, with bohan zhang -即嗨体育app下载

emma leaning
the physical lockdown has lifted for most, but there's a mental confinement that lingers. in this episode, emma speaks with bohan zhang about how and why to lift mental lockdown.
emma leaning
edited by zhong youyang. subtitles by emma leaning and wang haoling.

welcome to mental in lockdown. these relaxed chats with mental health professionals around shanghai are here to help. stay tuned for more topics and tips on staying sane in the madness of the moment.

the physical lockdown has lifted for most, but there's a mental confinement that lingers. in this episode, emma speaks with elg's psych team leader, bohan zhang, about how and why to lift the mental lockdown.

life on hold: lifting the mental lockdown, with bohan zhang

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life on hold: lifting the mental lockdown, with bohan zhang

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