an island oasis for cats and cat lovers -即嗨体育app下载
functioning as a nationwide model for stray animal management advocacy and education, "stray cat island" features bright orange decor and cat-related elements. it is a charity program aimed at promoting scientific feeding and disease control. this island serves as the temporary home for stray cats awaiting adoption, providing a leisure and recreational space.
different from the thrill of amusement facilities, "stray cat island" offers a unique sense of "love" and "happiness" in a setting that harmoniously combines nature and culture.
here please check the event on the coming weekend.

this island serves as the temporary home for stray cats awaiting adoption, providing a leisure and recreational space.
date: december 9 (saturday)
stray cat island "weekend open day" event
time: 1pm-3pm
date: december 10(sunday)
stray cat island "volunteer service day" event
time: 1pm-3pm
3 yulan rd, laogang town, pudong new area
recruitment numbers
saturday: 100 people (visitors)
sunday: 10 people (volunteers)
registration requirements
online real-name registration
bring valid identification on the day of the event
registration method
scan the qr code below to access the reservation system. each mobile number is limited to one reservation per day. please take a screen grab and save the reservation qr code that will be used for the staff, on the day of the event, to conduct verification.the entire process is conducted in chinese, so it is recommended to do it with the help of a chinese friend.
the park closes promptly at 4pm. please arrange your visit accordingly.

the reservation qr code.
"stray cat island" reopened to the public during the national day holiday and is expected to be open regularly on weekends, with specific timings subject to platform announcements.
- saturdays are designated as "weekend open day" activities, welcoming citizens for cat interactions and visits. you are encouraged to sign up in advance, and availability is limited on a first-come, first-served basis.
- sundays are dedicated to "volunteer service day" activities, involving public service tasks. you are invited to register in advance, and participation is limited with reservations accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
- on monday afternoons, the upcoming weekend's activities will be announced. if no announcement is made, it indicates that "stray cat island" will not be open to the public that weekend, with no further notice.
- you are requested to make reservations using real names and not nicknames or wechat names.
- saturday is designated as a visiting day, and sunday is reserved for volunteers. you should clarify the nature of the activity before making reservations to avoid scheduling errors.

the map of "stray cat island."
park entry guidelines:
- before entering the island, please cooperate with volunteers to carry out disinfection procedures.
- follow the guidance of volunteers for activities. refrain from playing roughly, forcefully petting or picking up cats, or chasing adorable kittens.
- as these are stray cats, when petting them, avoid getting too close. pay attention to their mood to prevent unnecessary harm. if you accidentally get scratched, immediately inform a volunteer.
- do not feed the cats with your own food, as their digestive systems are delicate. the island provides delicious meals for them.
- the cats on island are already immunized, so there's no need to worry.
- do not bring other pets onto the island.
- children under 12 years old are not allowed to enter alone; they must be accompanied by an adult.
- pregnant women, individuals with hypertension or cardiovascular diseases, those allergic to cat hair, and those fearful of cats are advised not to enter the island.
- for those particularly interested in interactive experiences, you can record the identification information of the cats and contact a volunteer to initiate the adoption process.