'red radio over shanghai' thrills jing'an residents -即嗨体育app下载

'red radio over shanghai' thrills jing'an residents -即嗨体育app下载

xu wei
without a single line of dialogue, movie adapted from shanghai dance theater's popular dance drama "the eternal wave" wins praise for its plot and visuals at community screenings.
xu wei
'red radio over shanghai' thrills jing'an residents

old chinese soldiers sing songs before the film starts.

local director zheng dasheng's dance drama "red radio over shanghai" had public screenings for residential communities in jing'an district on monday.

adapted from shanghai dance theater's popular dance drama "the eternal wave," the film tells the story of chinese revolutionary martyr li bai secretly sending important information over the radio at the risk of his life.

it was also the opening film for the 26th shanghai international film festival.

'red radio over shanghai' thrills jing'an residents

the public screenings of the movie attracted packed audiences.

'red radio over shanghai' thrills jing'an residents

a poster advertises "red radio over shanghai."

without a single line of dialogue, the film features actors' emotional outbursts and changes expressed in their body language.

ahead of the screening, li lili, a descendant of martyr li bai, and filmmaker cui yi were invited to talk to the audience, sharing stories about the creation of the movie.

the screening received a positive response and widespread praise from viewers. many said they were impressed with its plot and beautiful visuals.

officials from the shanghai film distribution and exhibition association, an organizer of the public screening, said they will continue to host more public-interest film activities in the city.

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