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chin shih-即嗨体育app下载

ma yue
veteran taiwan actor chin shih-chieh portrays an alzheimer's disease patient in "le père," a play adapted from french playwright florian zeller's award-winning work.
ma yue

when the lights came on, chin shih-chieh was still sitting on the bed in the center of the stage, wiping the tears from his face, trying to quickly get out of the strong emotions at the end of the play. when he stood up, he was greeted with overwhelming applause.

the veteran taiwan actor stars in the shanghai dramatic arts center's new play "le père" (the father), which is adapted from french playwright florian zeller's award-winning work of the same name.

the play centers on a father and daughter. chin plays the role of father anthony, who has alzheimer's disease and constantly forgets important life events.

chin shih-chieh brings role of alzheimer's patient to life in shanghai
ti gong

chin shih-chieh plays the role of father anthony, an alzheimer's disease patient.

with decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills caused by the disease, anthony's stubbornness, childishness, unreasonableness and helplessness torture him and his family.

"this is a very energy-consuming role," said the 72-year-old. "because of alzheimer's disease, the father has many illogical and repetitive lines, which are difficult to remember."

yet, chin gives full play to his mature skills in handling lines, avoiding the "translation tone" that often appears in adapted dramas.

his eyes, expression and body language also convey information and emotions through the play.

chin shih-chieh brings role of alzheimer's patient to life in shanghai
ti gong

shanghai dramatic arts center's veteran actress tian shui (left) plays the role of daughter anna.

"it's hard for me to pay attention to other actors when chin is on stage," audience member hu wenfei told shanghai daily.

"because it is the perspective of an alzheimer's patient, the plot seems fragmented and messy," said hu. "therefore, chin's changing emotions become the main line that the audience can rely on. his performance reminds me of the tragic grandeur of 'king lear'."

chin is known for founding the experimental lanling theater in taiwan in 1979, becoming one of the leading figures in the island's modern theater. he is a renowned film actor, playwright and director.

different from the traditional professional school-trained line processing method, chin has already formed his own way of script dealing and lifelike performance style.

chin shih-chieh brings role of alzheimer's patient to life in shanghai
ti gong

chin's eyes, expression and body language also convey information and emotions.

"you can say that my way of acting is also learned, and my learning materials come from the ubiquitous daily life," chin explained.

"for example, i enjoy watching documentary tv programs," he said. "they often record the natural reactions of people when they encounter incidents or when their emotions change drastically.

"observing these reactions often inspires me – this is how emotions are displayed in real life."

"le père" is staging 14 performances at the dramatic arts center through august 11. this is also chin's first appearance on a drama stage outside taiwan.

chin shih-chieh brings role of alzheimer's patient to life in shanghai
ti gong

it's chin's first stage experience outside taiwan.

"i received the invitation in taiwan, and it was not an easy decision to make," said chin.

"i'm usually cautious about leaving taiwan for a stage play, especially when i have to be away for so long a time. but the script was too attractive to turn down."

chin noted that the script uses a "strange" way to present the protagonist.

"it's like diving directly into the brain of the protagonist and observe the world from his perspective. it can be very scary as you feel like you are really becoming the patient," he noted.

"but this kind of script writing is also unique and fascinating, switching between subjective and objective views. so i decided to accept this challenge."

after this round of performances in shanghai, "le père" will visit beijing for four performances at the national centre for the performing arts.

chin shih-chieh brings role of alzheimer's patient to life in shanghai
ti gong

in "le père," chin gives full play to his mature skills in handling lines.

performance info:

dates: through august 11, 2pm/7:30pm

tickets: 280-680 yuan

venue: shanghai dramatic arts center 上海话剧艺术中心

address: 288 anfu rd 安福路288号

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