14th national exhibition of fine arts showing at china art museum -即嗨体育app下载

as one of the highest national art exhibitions, the "14th national exhibition of fine arts" is on show at china art museum.

many oil paintings reflect the great achievements of chinese modernization in the new era.
"the 14th national exhibition of fine arts, china 2024" is on show at the china art museum through august 25.
the exhibition is divided into "exhibition of experimental art, digital art and animation works" and "oil painting exhibition."
as one of the highest national art exhibitions, the 14th national exhibition of fine arts received 1,253 oil paintings, among which 697 pieces are selected for the exhibition by the jury. the other section of experimental art, digital art and animation works received 2,877 submissions, and 233 pieces were chosen.
many of the oil paintings reflect the great achievements of chinese modernization in the new era, varying subjects from the new look of the country's urban and rural development, through the innovation in science and technology to the construction of a strong army. some of the canvases feature major events and representative figures in modern chinese history.
according to the organizer, the application of new media in the section of experimental art, digital art and animation works would help to promote much broadened aesthetics to the public, echoing the trend of fusing science and technology into art renderings.
date: 10am-6pm (closed on mondays), through august 25
address: 205 shangnan rd 上南路205号
admission: free