roche's innovative drug expected to have its first commercial launch in china -即嗨体育app下载 

roche's innovative drug expected to have its first commercial launch in china -即嗨体育app下载

jiang xiaowei zhong youyang
roche showcases approximate 30 launched and market-ready products at ciie, including nearly 10 global innovative products that will be launched in china soon.
jiang xiaowei zhong youyang

roche showcases approximate 30 launched and market-ready products at ciie, including nearly 10 global innovative products that will be launched in china soon.

one of them called crovalimab, a treatment for a rare disease of hematology, is expected to be the industry's first innovative drug to have its first commercial launch in china ahead of the european union and the united states.

shot by jiang xiaowei. edited by zhong youyang. subtitles by song xinyi and alexander bushroe.

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